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Sumi khatun
18. mai 2022
In Generelle diskusjoner
Customize Your PPC Dashboard Key Phone Number List comparison table To create a table showing PPC metrics versus YOY, top activity, and top keywords, simply create a title that describes each report and add the relevant Phone Number List headings, as shown in the example below. Metrics and Dimensions Popular Activities Then you need to reference the cells containing the data in the single raw data table you just generated after customizing the Phone Number List configuration sheet and clicking "Run Report". To add the YOY comparison shown in the first table, use the following formula. Format the cells as percentages, and Phone Number List conditional formatting rules to show positive (green) and negative (red) performance: For YOY comparison Rolling Monthly Performance Rolling Monthly Performance To create a Phone Number List monthly comparison report, create a table with one row for each month (13 rows in total) in the last 2 row headers (August 2017 in this example): In the month column: auto-populate the months prior to August 2017, as Phone Number List in this example giving the current month and the previous 13 months. You can generate trendlines below each section of the chart using sparklines that reference the dates in each column. Year-to-date revenue and forecast To create your spend, conversion, and revenue Phone Number List graphs, you'll need to use the next month forecast feature. This is based on performance in previous Phone Number List (or years). To create a graph to represent this data, such as those listed in the example above, you would create a table in a blank sheet showing your forecast data next to your month Phone Number List to-date and comparison data. You can then select all three columns and insert a chart via the Insert menu: These forecasts are especially useful to ensure spending is on track, and to Phone Number List months where performance (conversions or revenue) is not expected to be as strong as the comparison period.
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Sumi khatun

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