an extra boost. Add a countdown . Putting a highly visible countdown on your product pages is an easy and super effective way to get more conversions. You can use one countdown to announce when the sale will start and another to indicate when it clipping path service will end. Take advantage of cross-selling opportunities . Black Friday and Cyber Monday are dates when users are hunting for bargains, so take advantage of them to create packs of related products at a reduced price. Create buzz with flash sales . This strategy comes in handy for the weeks before the key date. It is about putting a product or a small
series of products on sale at a great discount and for a very limited time. A small appetizer of what is to come in your digital marketing. Video Ads. Bet on making small advertising videos in your campaigns . They connect better with the public and people are more likely to look at them. On Instagram, it is a tool that is gaining a lot of strength and that will help us reach a younger audience that consumes more regularly, for example in Stories. Organic shares. Not all the actions of our marketing strategy must be advertisements, but organic
actions are also essential through social networks, the blog, the communities and the brand's website. We must spread the contents of our campaigns choosing the message, the keywords very well, including quality images, taking advantage of the Apps and complementary tools that each platform offers you and putting a lot, but a lot of creativity on our part as marketers. Always with the aim of creating excellent content that will attract our followers on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Create various types of promotions. Differentiate yourself from the January sales, which usually put